i have bought a lot of covers of this brand for different trucks and they are usually splendid harvest but including this one it is alot cheaper made including extremely thin fake. i usually yield 5 stars to there other covers but including this one is was just austere made low-deprivation, it's worth spending a few dollars extra to get a better pocket in. these are so thin including the intention of when installing it one cracked and the clips including the intention of hold then on the veer don't outline up correctly, not sure if it's just this veer for the ford f-150 but it doesn't fit virtually as water supply as the one's do on the chevy's. when putting on it's easier if you use a rubber mallet but put a rag in adjoin on it as these crack extremely easly..
- trent
The wheel covers look good and fit impeccably. They installed lacking a problem, and stayed on the wheels. A good experience.
- akboy
Bully Imposter IMP-59XN, Ford, 17" Chrome Replica Wheel Cover, Pack of 4
Bully offers an array of products that will enhance the look of your vehicle. Matches OEM chrome and installation is easy.
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