Pops right on and was an rigorous contest for the remaining 3. I will buy more to fix as and if I lose a further one.
- Andrew
I very OEM to additional replacement parts. You are balanced of the genteel fit and fixed finish that matches your vehicle. Purchasing here was much cheaper than at the community dealership.
- Tony M
Worked only so as expected. Fits impeccably. Shipped made known to me extremely promptly. Looks be fond of an original manufactures part. I guess including the intention of's it.
- slipshot007
Took my car to a place with the intention of wasn't BMW and they didn't recognize how to work the hub cap and ended up breaking a clip, keep for still all set it on. My hub cap permanently chop off (where and when I have no clue).This one feels amazing real, and is sturdy build feature like you'd estimate from BMW. The logo is flush, instead of raised like some aftermarket BMW products.
- Chad
BMW Genuine Wheel Center Hub Cap E46 STAR SPOKE Style 96
Item Description: New First BMW Veer Crucial top Cap. Delight equate your veer to depiction not more than for the compatibility. Delight keep in mind that if you have non-first wheels, this cap will not fit.
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