I recently purchased a set of chrome hub caps for my 08 Chevy HHR, I was extremely happy about the harvest looks, and easy to install. gave my HHR a whole extra look.Currently for a chrome grill.
- Scorpion51
Order a set of Wheel Covers for my HHR. the nxt day I recived a phone call from the Companionship asking for additional information about the car. The Companionship knowledgeable me of some weird business Chevy did that year. Once he determined which style I looked-for the order was shipped. The approved was recived surrounded by 2 days from the West Coast to the Midwest. Very Good Consumer Benefit. i was actually impressed he took the time to call me in person to mke sure the order was aptly, not just a generic email or shipping the most likely item. Very Impressive I can highly recommed this companionship and will use them over again.
- a customer
Item received, look great and bolted aptly on. They look surpass than originals. Very happy with my hold of these wheel covers.
- Larry K Ohio
2006-2012 Chevy HHR Chrome 16"Chrome Bolt On Hubcaps
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