I am extremely pleased including the hubcap it is extra, first gear and matched my additional three. Thanks so greatly pro you suitable and skilled benefit.
- Maria Roig Ferrer
Delivered fast, fits impeccably, looks great. Just what I looked-for for the gone hub cap for snow tire wheel. Price was evenhanded and worth it not to look at a plain wheel.
- JCee
Went to Amazon since my dealer wanted much more for the constant wheel cover. Extremely lucky including the price, delivery time, and the way it makes the car peek splendid again.
- Nobhillbilly
It was exactly as represented.Glad I used e-bay.It was exactly as represented.Glad I used e-bayIt was exactly as represented.Glad I used e-bay
- jn
It made my car exact ended again and was extremely water supply priced thankfulness atlantic volkswagon i wll be in trade to puchase extra.
- steve gamez
This manufactured goods has a splendid fit and matched my additional hubcaps. It was just so what I wanted. My passat looks total again!
- Lauren Carter
My car looks "whole" over again. It fit impeccably and I can't believe what a variation it makes to the advent of the car.
- pauladec
I was very satisfied with the hubcap. It was strain new and I was very satisfied. I would buy over again, if needed.
- John Loew
Volkswagen - 3B0601147MFX Passat 15 Inch New Factory Original Equipment Hubcap
You are buying a BRAND NEW GENUINE OEM 15" Replacement Hub Cap for your 2001 2002 2003 2004 and or 2005 Volkswagen Passat
These are being sold individually, but combinded shipping is available
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