Skilled price, great regard....would recommend to anyone needing wheel covers! Look great on the Corolla...saved a bunch early what the dealer was going to payment me!
- Justin Case "Justin Case"
Arrived in time, in a amount with padding, I got just what I payed for. All fit my car be fond of an oem product.
- tougeBfad
These focal top caps looks great on our Toyota Corolla car. We are competent to advertise the car for skilled fee.
- Mudigoudar
They are extremely easy to install. It seemed not forceful enough at first, but they are steadily in the place so far.
- M. Takeda
Skilled hubcaps pro what I looked-for. I be inflicted including a extremely ancient Toyota, and I didn't aspire to dissipate alot on hubcaps, so these all fit the payment impeccably! Extremely straightforward to bed in.
- S. Gasbarro "Coastal Gal"
I would like to display including the intention of my encounter including discount wheels was wonderful. Awaited to my mixture in measuring, I had to restore this item a to peacefulness the assess mass. As quickly as I realized this, I emailed the co and had all the report and paperwork to restore this item lacking even opening the quantity....My refund was useful to my tab at some calculate ago and I am currently ordering the assess mass. I would do business including this companionship a million era ended. They were terrific!
- llarsen
Installed them and less than a month later, already had one fall off. They look fine, but are through of extremely flimsy plastic.
- W. Huscroft
These were just what I looked-for including lone of my cracked hubcaps flew off even as driving down the highway. The price could possibly not be beat and I have 3 extra in explanation something happens ended again.
- Valerie P. Turner
Finally hub caps that are cheap and stay on! Also they don't break when removing and re-installing after tire rotations.
- Don
They're basic hubcaps that looked like our before ones. They do not have Toyota emblem in the center, but we didn't care. God deal for the price.
- Dan Bower
These mock-up wheel cover be inflicted with the chic and trendy design of a 1998-2000 TOYOTA COROLLA car develop. Basically they are complete can be installed on any vehicle develop with a standard 14" rim size. BEFORE YOU MAKE A PURCHASE DECISION, PLEASE READ THE SIDE WALL OF YOUR TIRE TO FIND YOUR RIM SIZE WHICH SHOULD BE THE SAME WITH THE SIZE OF THE WHEEL COVER. FOR EXAMPLE, IF YOUR TIRE READS "R16", THEN YOU HAVE A 16" RIM SIZE. AND 16" WHEEL COVERS WILL BE FIT ON YOUR VEHICLE
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