Installation was easy for these and a lot of public think that I have put expensive rims on my car since I got these! Splendid value and weather well!
- bymyslf892
The manufactured goods was as described. I bought the manufactured goods for my car but I be inflicted with honda chrome wheels I decided to keep and gave this set to a supporter for her daughters honda accord. fit perfect she loved
- jonert88
This was exactly what I was looking for they make the car look so much better they are really great
- Steve LeBlanc
My 2013 Kia Soul came with the cheapest hubcaps I've ever seen on a new car. They were all disfigured and dinged up within a month with no kind of idiotic pouring, and while I love the car, the hubcaps had to go. I purchased these since they looked nice and they matched well with the silver paint.The hubcaps installed very easily and promptly, and they do look good with the silver paint. However, the black veer drums are very visibly noticeable in the openings between the slats of the hubcaps, something I didn't think yet to be about at the time of hold. I don't actually mind since I'm not one of persons broadcast who needs all about their vehicle to be high end or like, plus the black veer drum matches the black trim on the car, but if that's something that would bother you, go for a hubcap which will take in the entire veer drum. These hubcaps have been on my car about 2 months now, and there are no dings, dents, etc., and they're easy to clean. Overall, I am reasonably happy with my hold.
- GF Girl
I was extremely excited in this vicinity this purchased keep pro as I expected it ,and had them deposit on my vehicle,I rode them pro in this vicinity 2wks and i had to pocket them off since they were building a blast in the veer.I was told that they were only a cheaply owing to pocket in. Howerver they did preview nice on the vehicle.
- Brenda Wyatt
15" 8 Spikes Chrome Finished Hubcap Covers Brand New Set of 4 Pieces 15 Inch Rim Cover 530
These are not used factory hubcaps, they arebrand new replica hubcaps. A replica or reproduction wheel cover is manufactured to meticulously resemble a factory first equipment hubcap at a fraction of the deprivation. These hubcaps were constructed ABS material and made by reputable manufacture to ensure the best quality. ABS hubcaps feature rigidity, strength, and high resistance to salt, chemicals, heat, cold, and impression. They be inflicted including exceptional resistance to breaking, scratching and chipping, flush at low temperatures. Not to mention, ABS parts weigh only a fraction of their steel counterparts! All of these qualities combine to get on to ABS an ideal material for hubcaps, wheel covers, and many additional automotive parts! Delight protect in mind that this cap is not an first equipment hubcap so if you are looking to exchange one of your factory hubcaps there will be some affront differences. These hubcaps will bring about on most domestic and foreign vehicles including regardless of get on to, model, or year. These hubcaps will fit your vehicle if: Your vehicle currently has hubcaps. You be inflicted including steel wheels.
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