- Jeffrey Angel
dont buy they suck lost 3 hub caps the fist week not value a buck now i have buy a new set of hubcaps
- dennis riley
For 4 hubcaps this was a great price from Unique Automotive compared to others offering hubcaps. I flush be fond of the style better than the original equipment that came including my car.
- Jezeebella
These hubcaps fit splendid and peek skilled with our chill steel wheels. A very skilled buy for the fee of these
- Michael J. Billert
16" Silver Lacquer Finish Hubcaps Wheel Covers Brand New Set of 4 Pieces WC-10SL-16
Give any vehicle a unique, aggressive look with an upgrade or identical replacement of wheel covers at a fraction of the cost of originals. ABS covers are weather resistant and won't corrode or corrode. Fits of laughter most foreign and domestic front and rear passenger vehicle wheel. Utilize an adjustable retention seem to confirm a secure fit. Set includes 4 covers.
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